Yarmouth Municipal District 6

Asset Management is a Working Tool

“Let’s Continue Moving Forward”

“Asset Management is a Working Tool for our Municipality to Continue Moving Forward.”

I was fortunate enough to be selected to represent our Council on the Asset Management Team for the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth.

Our team attended and participated in several workshops within the southern region of Nova Scotia, where we gained knowledge and understanding of the importance of Asset Management. Asset Management has provided the Municipality the ability to plan, budget and make value added data decisions that will benefit the Municipality in prioritizing major infrastructure needs, maintenance, repairs and /or replacement of assets.

Asset Management can also be referred to as “Life Cycle Planning” which is an important segment of any business, or in our case to the tax payers of the Municipality of Yarmouth. Councils Access Management policy A-088-18 created that opportunity for Council to review any formal funding request that may affect the Municipality’s budgets. This policy will bring to the attention of Council funding requests to be reviewed after pertinent data has been received for such requests.

I believe our Council acknowledges their need for accurate, timely information on the Municipality’s Assets and how, I as a responsible, well informed Councillor can make a decision.

As Councillor for District 6 I look forward in continuing my role as a representative of Council on the Asset Management Team.

Let’s Continue Moving Forward in achieving realistic goals.