Yarmouth Municipal District 6


Election Day starts on October 8 to October 17. Please exercise your democratic right to vote for the candidate of your choice.

Some points to consider:

1) If you have not received your “voter information form” yet there is reason to believe you name is not on the voters list.

2) If this is the case call Dean Fuller Retuning Officer for the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth at 902 742 7150.

3) In order to vote by phone you will need to call 1 877 313 3726.

4) Next you will enter your PIN (personal identification number) located in the lower right corner of your voter information form and follow the instructions that will be given to you.

5) If you wish to visit a voting kiosk located at the Administration Building on Highway 1 in Hebron you can during work days from 9 am to 4:30 pm from October 8 to October 16 and on October 17 from 9am to 7pm.

6) There will also be a voting kiosk set up at Overton Baptist Church located on Highway 304 from 2pm to 7pm.

If you require assistance understanding how to vote contact the voter help Center at 902 742 7150 To vote by electronic device follow the instructions located in the upper left corner of your voter information form and follow the instructions.

If you live in District 6 and need a ride to vote at the kiosk set up at the Administration Building located on Highway 1 in Hebron or the kiosk set up at the Overton Baptist Church located on Highway 304.

Please call 902 740 2897 and someone will take you to vote and return you home.

Please exercise your democratic right to vote!

Thank you for your time

Loren Cushing Councillor for District 6 for the Municipality of Yarmouth

Let’s Continue Moving Forward!