As Councillor for District 6 I feel it is important to be in tune with our Community needs and concerns and seen as a representative on Council, who makes decisions in the best interest of the Municipality as a whole.
I have and will always be there as a contact for the residents of District 6, who have issues, concerns or opinions on what is important for the Municipality and Yarmouth County as a whole.
I will continue to bring ideas to Council to be consider, an example of some of my thoughts were 1) location of splash park which would be a great recreation activity for youth and persons of all ages.
Unfortunately, some are led to believe I did not support such a facility, whereas in reality I asked for estimated cost, operating cost etc. 2) much needed pool for all residents of Yarmouth County I am very supportive of such but would like it to be at Mariners Center.
An example of what I am suggesting is something similar to what East Hants Aquatic Center has. A Reasonable cost and if all three Councils would have sat down when the pool was shut down and took an exercise to make something similar to East Hants, a thirty to forty year piece of infrastructure could have been realized. To view what East Hants has go to “ East Hants Aquatic Center”.
However in saying this being a responsible Councillor I will support whatever Councils decision is. The same as Consolidation /Amalgamation I will listen to the voices of District 6 express their
concerns and then move forward.