First and foremost I want to thank the constituents of District 6 for your continuous support in my efforts to make sound decisions which benefit District 6, the Municipality of Yarmouth and Yarmouth County as a whole.
Covid 19 greatly affected the first year and a half of this Term and all meetings were done via Zoom. At first Zoom was cumbersome, however now it is an acceptable way to hold meetings when someone is away or if we have sub committee meetings where members reside in different parts of Nova Scotia and beyond.
My descriptions will be short, however in some cases I will refer you to the Municipality’s Website to gather more information where you will select an icon that relates to the Committees or you can always contact me directly by phone or text 902-740-2897 or by email: or
In no particular order here is a list of Committees, information about the Committees and the role I serve on each of them:
1) Accessibility Committee where Councillor Sherri Hurlburt was the Chairperson I served as Vice Chair. Through the dedicated work of our Committee and Municipal Staff, we have completed an Accessibility Plan. For more information go the Municipality web site and click on the icon “Accessibility Plan”.
2) Chairperson of the Joint Recreation Committee where Council supported me as one of their representatives on this Committee and the Joint Committee appointed me as Chairperson. Our Joint Recreation Department serves people of all ages within the Municipality of Yarmouth and the Town of Yarmouth. Our Recreation Director Frank Grant and Staff are dedicated in providing numerous activities throughout the year. Our Recreation Department is currently preparing a Strategic Plan to move forward in the future. If you would like more information concerning the Joint Recreation Committee you can contact our Director Frank Grant at 902-742-8868. Here are a few pictures of some of the events I attended sponsored by the Joint Recreation Department.
3) Chairperson of the Yarmouth County Solid Waste Authority (better known as the Landfill) which includes the Municipality of Yarmouth, Municipality of Argyle and the Town of Yarmouth. Our Council supported me as one of their representatives on the Committee, and the Committee selected me as the Chairperson.
Glendon Ring, manager of the Solid Waste Park and his staff do a great job in processing more than twenty thousand customer visits per year. His staff is friendly and assists many customers when questions are asked of where to dispose of items.
The Committee reviewed and updated the Solid Waste Policy Manual. This was the first review in over twelve years and from this point on will be reviewed every four years after Municipal Elections.
One of the policies states that our Committee holds an Annual General Meeting(AGM) each year at which time we have an opportunity to elect a new Chairperson. I am now the Vice Chair of the Committee and Councillor Gil Dares of the Town of Yarmouth is the new Chair.
If you wish to learn more about our Solid Waste Park (Landfill) you can go to the Town of Yarmouth Website, contact Councillor Dares or Glendon Ring Manager of the Solid Waste Park.
4) Chairperson of the Lake Milo Active Transportation Steering Committee. Council approved me to represent them on this ad-hoc Committee. The Committee included Municipal Staff, our Joint Recreation Director, Consultants who prepared a plan as well as two excellent members from the Municipality, namely John Bower and Rick Alright. Both John and Rick provided valuable input during our planning stage and I personally extend my thanks to them. This piece of infrastructure has been identified as an important asset not only to the Municipality of Yarmouth but also to the Town of Yarmouth and Yarmouth County as a whole. Highway #1 has an estimated seven thousand vehicles a day traveling along Lake Milo and is used heavily by walkers, runners, and bikers. If you would like more information concerning this Committee you can go to the Municipality of Yarmouth Website.
5) I represented Yarmouth County on the Western Region Solid Waste Resource Management Authority (better known as Waste Check) Waste Check Committee for the past two years and now our new County Representative is Councillor Gil Dares from the Town of Yarmouth. Councillor Hurlburt and I still represent the Municipality of Yarmouth on this Board. For more information concerning Waste Check you can go to the Waste Check Website for Waste issues and recycling questions. If you wish to view past minutes and agendas you can call the Waste Check office at (902) 742-1312 or you can contact County Representative Councillor Gil Dares for more information.
6) Yarmouth Area Industrial Committee (YAIC), which consists of appointed Council members from the Municipality of Argyle, Town of Yarmouth and the Municipality of Yarmouth. Our Council supported me as one of their representatives on this committee. I supported a Strategic Plan for the YAIC which is now completed and also supported a needs assessment for the three wharves that are managed by the YAIC. The Old Public Wharf, Marginal Wharf, and Lobster Rock Wharf. We are presently exploring the possibility of privatizing these wharves to increase the possibility for much needed Government Funding.
The YAIC also manages two Health Clinics, one in Yarmouth and one in Pubnico. We are presently engaging in talks with Nova Scotia Health for funding of these two facilities. For more information concerning the YAIC you can contact the Chairperson Guy Surette from the Argyle Municipal Council, or the Municipality of Yarmouth for minutes of the Committee.
7) The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) our Council supported me as one of their representatives on this Committee. The PAC is presently undergoing a review of the Land Use By Laws (LUB), Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS).
This Committee consists of other Councillors and members from the public. This Committee has been very active in reviewing and recommending Development Agreements, re-zoning and policy amendments that have to come before Council for final approval. For more information concerning the PAC or if you have issues concerning Development Permits or questions concerning planning you can contact the Chairperson Trevor Cunningham, or Roger Devine (director of development and inspections) at 902-742-9151.
8) Joint Police Advisory, our Council approved me as one of our Council members on this Committee. Again we have citizens from the Municipality of Yarmouth and the Municipality of Argyle and Councillors from the Municipality of Argyle who sit on this Committee. I believe this Committee is important to liaise with the RCMP in our communities. I would like to see regular meetings taking place and they are not at this time.
Strategic Plan
As a member of Council I participated in our five year review Strategy Plan held in March of 2021. You can review the complete plan on the Municipality of Yarmouth website and select the icon “Strategy Plan” (click here for the PDF). If you have any questions concerning any portion of the plan please contact CAO for the Municipality of Yarmouth 902-742-7151.
Regional Collaboration and Project Support
As a member of Council I supported the Municipality of Yarmouth funding for the Splash Park, Mariners Centre Expansion, Mariners on Main, Cape Forchu Master Plan, the Ferry Terminal Renovation Project, the fibre optic upgrade to various areas of the Municipality of Yarmouth, and the expansion of our Hebron Industrial Park.
One of the most controversial subjects discussed during this term was the possibility of having a land based Salmon farm constructed in Chebogue Point with an in-flow and outflow of seawater twenty four hours a day. While emotions did run high at times during the talks about this possible business setting up in our area, I feel it was the due diligence of Council which led to the decision NOT to approve the Salmon Farm request. We must always care for and respect the present sea-harvesting industries that contribute to our economy we had here for generations and not endanger them in any way.
Here are a few pictures that help drive our economy:
Other activities I also attended several Western Regional Enterprise Network (WREN) AGMs.
I am presently sitting on the Committee (as a citizen at large) that is developing a Working Paper Proposal of the Coastal Protection Act to present to the Nova Scotia Government in the near future.
This past year I was fortunate to volunteer my time, with several hard working individuals within our community of Pembroke and beyond cleaning the Pembroke Beach, Chegoggin Point, Pembroke Back Shore, the upper Pembroke Beach and Pembroke Cove. I also assisted Councillor Nick Hilton in transporting abandoned lobster traps that washed ashore in the Chebogue Point area to the Solid Waste Park.
A huge thank you extended to all the volunteers who helped in beach clean ups not only in Pembroke but everywhere along our coasts.
Since Covid our Pembroke Community Hall has been struggling in providing services and entertainment. Our dedicated music group continues to provide entertainment to all who want to come on Thursday nights and the Hall is slowly getting back to other users.
Pembroke Hall is always looking for volunteers to help keep a historic part of our community alive. As with many Community Halls, survival is a challenge.
On the provincial side of my endeavors I will continue to advocate for parking and other safety issues at John’s Cove beach, improvements to the designated Blue Route of Highway 304 that ends at the Cape Forchu Lighthouse, replacement of destination signs throughout District 6, installation of sunken culverts and improving road conditions where flooding happens during heavy rain, ditching in locations where drainage is not working properly and low coastal areas that are exposed to storms.
Here are a few pictures of these concerns.
In going forward for the next two years and beyond I will continue to serve the constituents of District 6 and the Municipality of Yarmouth and Yarmouth County as a whole.
In closing Linda and I and our family want to wish all residents of Yarmouth County and beyond a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Always remember our families are the most important people we know. Here are a few pictures of my family.
Thank you for your time and please contact me if you have a need or concern.
You can always contact me directly by phone or text 902-740-2897 or by email at: or
221 Chegoggin Point Road, Pembroke, NS, B5A 5G9
Copyright © 2024 All content on this portal is authorized by the official agent to re-elect Loren Cushing for Council District 6 of the Municipality of Yarmouth