Yarmouth Municipal District 6

What did Councillor Cushing do During the Last Four Years?

Check this out!!

1) Guard rail along Highway 304 (known to residents in District 6 as John Cann’s Hill).
2) Armour stone along the south side of Lobster Pound road to stop erosion.
3) Identify safety and needed retro fit to Yarmouth Bar Causeway which has been completed.
4) The need for additional armour stone on the west end of the causeway completed.
5) Worked with executive of the Pembroke Hall to secure intergovernmental funding.
6) Along with other volunteers we logged over 1800 hours of work to the renovation work at Pembroke Hall.
7) Held public meeting concerning the lack of proper drainage of the Goose Flats in upper Pembroke that used to allow annual migration of fish species.
8) Worked with various Departments of the Provincial Government to fund the restoration of proper drainage to the sluice at the Goose Flats allowing for fish species migration from salt water to fresh water and back to the sea in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
9) Addressed several concerns and needs within District 6 by working with Transportation Infrastructure Renewal to identify these needs and concerns and have resolved many of them.
10) Identified to TIR Engineers the deterioration of the bridge at Pembroke Dyke which is on a repair / replace in the near future
11) Was able to identify Highway 304 as a designated Blue Road which falls in a category of having the shoulders of this road widened to allow for pedestrian traffic and a bike route.
12) Worked passionately with Council and our By law committee to identify what constitutes as a private road what is not.
13) Worked with our By laws committee to introduce to the By Laws Road Maintenance to new Sub Divisions that are developed.
14) After 20 plus years was able to inform the residents who live on Green Rock Drive that the Municipality of Yarmouth is not responsible for road maintenance. For years these tax paying residents were always left thinking the opposite.
15) Delivered letters to all residents on Green Rock Drive outlining Councils stand. It was not what they wanted to hear but is what they needed to hear.
16) Was Council representative on the Asset Management Team in developing life cycle planning for infrastructure. Asset Management is a tool that future Councils will be able to use when deciding on Capital and Operating Budgets.
17) Represented Council at Graduation ceremonies for Yarmouth Consolidated High School, Remembrance Day ceremonies, represented Council in Halifax to recognize the Decade of African Descent. I was the only elective representative for Yarmouth County who attended.
18) I was a member of the Cape Forchu Comprehensive Master Plan which involved tourism partners, the general public, and residents from District 6.
19) Worked with Council to partner with Develop Nova Scotia, the Western Regional Enterprise Network and Bell to begin Phase One of introducing fibre optic internet to selected areas of the Municipality. Phase Two will be discussed during the next Council.
20) Worked with Council to partner with our neighbouring Municipal Units for renovating the Ferry Terminal.
21) Worked with Council in discussing the possibilities of Consolidation /Amalgamation with our neighbouring Municipal Units as well with Provincial representatives and recently Consolidated Municipal Units in Nova Scotia. Many more debates and discussions will be needed to actually understand why to Consolidate/Amalgamate.
It is important for the residents of District 6 as well as residents throughout the Municipality to understand this topic. I will ensure the residents of District 6 have their voice.
22) Continue to discuss with our Council and our neighbouring Municipal Units concerning our many already in place collaborative agreements including the airport, solid waste, Mariners Center as well as many others.
23) Continuing to work with our By Law Committee to address the need for affordable housing by allowing change of use for institutional buildings such as schools to boarding homes.
24) Worked with Council to improve the visibility of our Hebron Industrial Park to encourage new businesses to set up shop.
25) Supported Council decision to have fibre optic internet installed at the Hebron Industrial Park.
26) Worked with Council to create a formula of where sidewalks should be installed. This replaced the past perceived practice of whoever could pound their fist the loudest got a sidewalk.
27) Continued to advocate for a weather buoy in The Gulf of Main.

These are committees that I presently set on and actively participate in:

1) Substance Abuse
2) Waste Check
3) Solid Waste
4) Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission
5) Recreation
6) By Law Review Committee
7) Police Advisory Committee
8) Planning Advisor Committee
9) Cape Forchu Comprehensive Master Plan
10) Asset Management
11) Waterfront Committee
12) Sign Committee
13) Fence Arbitration Committee

A few of next term projects that I will be advocating for:

1) Reach the completion of the Cape Forchue Master Plan.
2) Continue trying to get much needed change rooms/washrooms at John’s Cove Beach. I did propose a solution last term but it was rejected.
3) Following up on Pembroke Dyke bridge repairs/replacement if it is not completed this year.
4) Continue to persuade the various levels of Government to have Lobster Pound Road widened to satisfy much needed access for emergency vehicles if needed to respond to an emergency on Lobster Pound Road as well as local residents to safely travel to and from their homes and to alleviate parking congestion on this popular beach.
5) Improvements to Highway 304 from John’s Cove to the Light House.
6) Advocate to Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal and the Province to accept the importance of developing the Blue Standard to Highway 304.
7) To gather vital information along Highway 304 concerning traffic flow, and excessive speed along this populated highway as well as heavy traffic volume including service trucks of sizes and lengths and to make walking and biking safer for active transportation venues.
8) Having achieved limited success addressing signs issue during my first term, I will be taking the next step to achieving positive results for the residents of District 6 as well as the Municipality.
9) I will continue to address drainage problems in specific areas within District 6 that have caused unnecessary flooding of basements, flooding of roads, and safety concerns when driving through flooded portions of roads and of course the possibility of accidents.
10) Looking forward to continuing discussions concerning the much needed pool for Yarmouth County and more information regarding a splash park. Let’s make sure we have the facts before we make a decision.

Do you have a concern that you would like Councillor Cushing to address? Please Contact me anytime by phone or text at (902) 740 2897 or by email

“Let’s Continue Moving Forward”